The coffee capsules without capsules and 100% biodegradable

This Migros brand reinvented coffee capsules which use aluminium and plastic waste as biodegradable coffee balls. CoffeeB’s small spheres are made of ground beans wrapped in a protective plant and mineral coating that keeps the coffee fresh and preserves its aroma for three months after a pack is opened. The balls are dropped into a […]
Kaufland supermarket sells reusable plastic cartons and unpackaged organic eggs to replace pulp paper

At most supermarkets, eggs are sold in cartons made of pulp paper, polystyrene foam or single-use plastic. Given the popularity of these food products, all those cartons add up to mountains of waste. Kaufland in Germany is replacing single-use packaging for a reusable option. Customers can buy a plastic carton for EUR 1.99 and fill […]
Dutch city of Haarlem is world’s first to ban outdoor ads for meat, a big contributor to the climate crisis.

Arisen from a motion by green party GroenLinks, the municipality of Haarlem is following the footsteps of other cities and regions that prohibit the marketing of flights and fossil fuels and is the first to include meat. It will be implemented by changing the city’s preconditions for the three out-of-home advertising companies that sell ads […]
Munich ice cream shop rescues “wasteful” overripe bananas from supermarkets

Munich ice cream shop rescues “wasteful” overripe bananas from supermarkets and turns them into vegan soft serve. Bananas are, according to Karlstad University in Sweden, one of the most wasted fruits in stores because once they start to show brown marks or bruises, peaky consumers leave them on the shelves and the stores throw them […]
Coffee, minus beans

Atomo’s beanless cold brew born in Seattle slashes 93% of CO2 emissions while using 94% less water. This way the startup manages to ease the growing tension people feel between enjoying the products they’re accustomed to, and their awareness of each purchase’s environmental cost. Initially launched on Kickstarter in 2019, Atomo recently raised USD 45 […]
Mayor Bill de Blasio leaves legacy in New York City

Government and local authorities play an important role in advancing the circular economy by setting legislative agendas, strategic programs and public services. After ending his mandate for running New York City until 2021, Mayor Bill de Blasio left behind a legacy of the future. He took two well known public commitments about circular economy: 0x30 […]
Environmental friendly reusable pads to cover women needs all year long

Out of care for women and worried about the high pollution mainstream period pads bring, Narcisa Christiansen came up with an environmental friendly solution of reusable pads to cover women needs all year long. Being a woman is a joy for Narcisa and she wants to make that very clear through the reusable pads and […]
Oxygen is the first communication agency in Romania to neutralize its carbon print

Partnering with CSR Nest Association, an NGO covering extensive topics around climate change and sustainability and ECONOS, an environmental audit consultancy company, Oxygen decided to make the environment a top priority. What they do: collect waste selectively, optimise utility costs, a corporate mission statement around various actions to reduce carbon print and an easy practical […]
A watch made from recycled coffee?

The Coffee Watch, an innovative new watch created by Lilienthal Berlin Kaffeeform, is with a groundbreaking coffee-based material developed, and a sustainability metaphor not just for the watch industry but for all manufacturing industries. The recycled coffee grounds used to make the watch are collected by bike from Berlin roasters, coffee shops, and restaurants and […]
Recovering ocean plastic and using it for new purposes

Part of their circular design approach, Dell Technologies developed a new supply chain that recovers ocean-bound plastics to use it in the packaging of their products.Dell made it a corporate mission to see waste as a resource and to find raw materials in the most unlikely places, like the bottom of the ocean. They engineer […]