France pays people up to EUR 4,000 to switch car for bike

To lower emissions and compensate for high energy costs, the French government is stepping up its financial incentives for people willing to trade in their cars for bikes. The new measure is called “a conversion bonus” for which both citizens and organizations can apply for if they give up a polluting car, van or truck and buy a regular bike, e-bike, cargo bike or electric-powered bicycle trailer. The subsidies are prorated by income and other factors, with the highest amount of EUR 4000 going to low-income people and organizations based in low-emission zones.

Since most families will want to be able to move around together, the scheme has been extended to subsidize a bike for every household member, covering up to 40% of a bike’s cost.

There is also an “ecological bonus” in place for people who’d like to try out cycling before giving up their car, or who want to drive less without quitting their four-wheels vehicle.

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