Cookie Policy

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  1. Last updated: [23.09.2022]

    This is the Cookies Policy (the “Policy”) for [Home – Climate Change Summit], accessible from []. To make this site function properly, we sometimes place small data files called cookies on your device. These cookies are downloaded to your computer to improve your browsing experience as well as other purposes that are outlined in this Policy.

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    Amendments and Modifications

    [Home – Climate Change Summit] reserves the right to modify this Policy and its terms as they relate to this website and services at any time, effective and in full force upon posting the updated version on the website.

    Please check this page regularly for updates. The continued use of the website and its services after that shall constitute your consent to such amendments and modifications.

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    More Information

    We trust that you have gained clarity concerning our use of cookies. For further information about our cookies policy, please email us at [

Agenda FEL Energy Trilemma Workshop

13:30 – 14:00

Welcome coffee & networking

An informal opportunity for participants to meet and greet each other over coffee before the session begins.

14:00 – 15:00

Keynote speakers

Olivian Savin – Manager Communication & Marketing FEL Romania
Ștefan Gheorghe – Executive Director CNR-CME
Andrei Gurin – Sustainable Finance Unit, Team Leader – Taxonomy and Reporting, European Commission
Ana Nedea – Director of Strategy & Business Development, SIMTEL Team

15:00 – 15:20

Coffee break

15:20 – 16:30

Energy Trilemma Workshop

Olivian Savin – Manager Communication & Marketing FEL Romania

16:30 – 18:00

Networking wine tasting offered by Simtel Team

CEE Climate Connect Agenda

Date: October 17, 2024

Location: Representation of the European Commission in Romania, Lascăr 31 Business Center

Co-organized with the Representation of the European Commission in Romania and the EU Climate Pact, this Climate Change Summit side event is a speed networking session aimed at professionals and key stakeholders in Central and Eastern Europe. It offers a chance to quickly connect with influential people, build new relationships, and explore potential collaborations. The goal is to help participants make valuable connections that can support their work and initiatives in the region.

09:30 – 10:00

Welcome Coffee

An informal opportunity for participants to meet and greet each other over coffee before the session begins.

10:00 – 10:15

Welcome Remarks

Roxana Cojocaru, Executive Director, Social Innovation Solutions
Mara Roman, Deputy Head, Representation of the European Commission in Romania
Ana-Maria Pălăduș, Vice President, REPER21, National Coordinator for the EU Climate Pact in Romania

10:15 – 10:45

Participant Introductions

In this session, each participant will have the opportunity to introduce themselves briefly, sharing their role, the organization they represent, and their key areas of focus related to climate action and sustainability. This session is designed to give attendees a better understanding of who is present and to start identifying potential points of collaboration.

10:45 – 12:00

Facilitated Networking Activities

This interactive segment will guide participants through structured networking exercises, encouraging meaningful exchanges and collaboration opportunities. Activities will include:

  • Speed Networking: A fast-paced series of short, one-on-one conversations where participants can quickly introduce themselves and discuss mutual interests.
  • Group Discussions: Participants will be divided into small groups based on shared topics of interest (such as energy, agriculture, or urban sustainability) to explore ideas and possible synergies.
  • Collaboration Mapping: Using a visual tool, participants will highlight potential collaborations within the group, allowing them to identify common goals and resources that can be shared for future projects.

These activities are designed to help attendees make impactful connections in a short amount of time and foster potential long-term partnerships.

12:00 – 12:30


A relaxed networking lunch where participants can continue their conversations and deepen connections made during the morning sessions.

ESG Leaders Forum Agenda

09:00 - 10:00

Registration and Welcome Coffee

10:00 - 10:15

Introduction and Welcome Address

Ciprian Stănescu, President, Social Innovation Solutions
Philippe Gabulon, CEO Societe Generale Global Solution Centre
Alexandru Mihai Ghigiu, Chief of Staff of the Prime Minister’s Office

Philippe Thibaud

Deputy CEO, BRD - Groupe Societe Generale

Alexandru Mihai Ghigiu

Head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Romania

Philippe Gabulon

CEO, Societe Generale Global Solution Centre in Romania and Deputy CEO for SG GSC in India

Ciprian Stanescu

President Social innovation Solutions

10:15 - 10:45

Panel 1: Legislation

Codruț Nicolau

Founder, Sustain Future

Elena Cargnello

Member of the Board of Directors | Cogenio

Mihaela Frăsineanu

State Counselor, Prime Minister's Chancellery

10:45 - 11:15

Panel 2: Sustainable Finance & Investment

Aleksandra Palinska

Executive Director at Eurosif

Andrei Gurin

Sustainable Finance Unit, Team Leader – Taxonomy and Reporting, European Commission

Iuliana Tiba

Director Social Environment and Positive Financing Division BRD Groupe Société Générale

11:15 - 11:45

Panel 3: ESG Measurement and Reporting

Alexander Stevens

CEO, Greenomy

Fenya Sourla

Co-founder, COO & ESG Expert at Dataphoria

Kaisa Karjalainen

Director of the Mission Zero Academy (MiZA)

11:45 - 12.30

Panel 4: Examples of Good Practice in Business

Ioana Botezatu

Head of CSR, Societe Generale Global Solution Centre (SG GSC) India and Romania

Raluca Mocanu

Sustainability Leader, IKEA România

Boualem Saidi

Senior Bayer Representative for the Country Group and Managing Director of Bayer SRL Romania

Corina Dospinoiu

Sustainability Director, Auchan Retail Romania

12:30 - 13.00

Coffee Break

13.00 - 14.00

Breakout Sessions (3 simultaneous topics)

Room 1: Legislation
Room 2: How to make Sustainable Financing work (workshop led by Theresa Spandel, on implementation of the CSRD)
Room 3: ESG Measurement and Reporting in Practice (session led by Alexander Stevens)

14.00 - 15.00

Networking Lunch

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