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Climate Change Summit awards aims to identify, feature, and reward the best sustainability ideas in the region. It’s time for practical solutions to take center stage.

Climate Change Summit Awards spotlights and celebrates innovative and practical solutions to climate challenges submitted by young people (under 30), NGOs and small and medium-sized enterprises in Central and Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Republic of Moldova).

The awards ceremony, held during the Climate Change Summit on October 15, 2024, rewards winners not only with grant funding totalling 12.000 , but also with invaluable exposure and contributions from the audience.

CCS Awards

Thematic Areas:

Energy, Mobility, Construction

*Solutions reimagining the way we produce and consume energy, enhancing sustainable mobility and fostering green construction practices

*Projects that reduce carbon emissions, improve energy efficiency, and promote renewable energy sources

*Initiatives that make transportation more sustainable, reducing the ecological footprint of vehicles and infrastructure

*Innovations that incorporate sustainable materials, energy-efficient designs, and minimize environmental impact in construction

Category presented by

Circular Economy

*Projects that challenge the traditional “take-make-dispose” model, focusing instead on creating a closed-loop system

*Innovative business models, waste management solutions and product designs that extend the lifecycle, increase resource efficiency and reduce environmental impact.

Food & Agriculture

*Projects addressing sustainable practices in food production, distribution, and consumption

*Submissions that showcase innovations in regenerative agriculture, urban farming, precision agriculture and sustainable aquaculture

*Initiatives that reduce food waste, improve food security and support the transition to more sustainable diets.

Category presented by

Environmental Education

*Initiatives and projects dedicated to raising awareness and understanding of environmental issues among diverse audiences

*Innovative approaches to environmental education that utilize technology, citizen science, and experiential learning

*Educational content and activities designed to equip individuals with green skills


*Projects focused on the protection, restoration and sustainable management of natural habitats and species

*Efforts enhancing ecosystem resilience, promote the conservation of endangered species and restore degraded landscapes.

CEE Award

A special category for CEE countries submissions (Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Serbia, Slovenia and The Republic of Moldova)

solutions for the future

Types of submissions


Submissions by young people (under 30) who want to implement or have been working on an eco-friendly project or business in their communities.


Submissions by SMEs and NGOs that have already started working on solutions for environmental challenges, including B2B solutions. Submitted solutions will be included in a report that will map sustainable business initiatives in CEE, underlining the diversity and innovation present in the area's approach to sustainability.

CCS Awards


Applications Kick-off

April 15th, 2024

Applications Open

April 15th - September 15, 2024

Jury’s Out

September 16 - September 30, 2024

Winners Announced

October 15th, 2024 (during Climate Change Summit)

Why join?

If you're a young person

Get started: Receive grant funding to jumpstart your eco-friendly idea.

Expand your reach: Present your project on stage to over 500 people live and more than 800,000 online, including investors and environmental leaders.

Community support: Win non-financial resources like consulting or advertising, offered by the audience to help grow your idea.

Join and learn: Become part of a network passionate about making a real environmental impact.

If you're an NGO or SME

Showcase your work: Be featured in a report highlighting sustainable solutions across CEE, gaining regional recognition.

Pitch your solution: Present your initiative to a large audience offline and online, opening doors to potential support and collaborations.

Win resources: Beyond visibility, gain practical support from the audience, such as office space or media coverage, to boost your project.

Connect and grow: Meet like-minded businesses and potential partners who can help take your sustainability efforts to the next level.


Energy, Mobility, Construction

Head of Research at EPG

Mihnea is the Head of Research at EPG, coordinating the research strategy and activities within…

Founder towards0 & ÎntreVecini

ESG Expert with 13 years experience in sustainability, winning 50+ national and international awards, individually…

Ana Struna Bregar

Ana Struna Bregar has been working in sustainability management since 2017, when she became CEO…

Alexandra Nanes
ESG Coordinator

Alexandra has been working in IT and Project Management for the past 15 years leading…

Michalis Mathioulakis
Academic Director, Greek Energy Forum

Michalis Mathioulakis is an Energy Strategy Analyst and Academic Director of the Greek Energy Forum….

Dejan Stojadinović
Independent Energy Consultant

Mr. Stojadinović has over 25 years of experience in advancing sustainable energy in Serbia and…

Mariya Trifonova, PhD
Chief Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Economics and Management, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski

Mariya Trifonova holds a diploma in business administration, bank management, and finance from the University…

Director Social Environment and Positive Financing Division BRD Groupe Société Générale

Iuliana coordinates within BRD Groupe Société Générale, the Environmental Social and Governance risks analysis related…

Circular Economy

Executive Director of the Circular Economy Coalition - CERC

Alexandru Laibăr, Executive Director of the Circular Economy Coalition – CERC, is a professional with…

Executive Committee Member, Tondo

Alberto is a strategic designer specialized in helping organizations innovate their activities, products, and services…


Jose Cruz is an Advanced Researcher in Sustainable Impact at Eurecat, Catalonia’s leading Technology Centre….

Miha Škrokov
Circular Economy Project Manager, Anteja ECG & VCG.AI

Miha Škrokov is an Environmental Engineer by education with a focus on sustainability and circular…

Expert Advisor on Circular Economy and Climate Change, Croatian Ministry of Environmental Protection and Green Transition

Darko is currently a LIFE programme project advisor at Croatia’s National Contact Point, within the…

Food & Agriculture

Executive Director - Romanian Farmers’ Club for Performant Agriculture

Florian Ciolacu is the Executive Director for Romanian Farmers’ Club for Performant Agriculture. Starting September…

Development Manager at Fermes d'Avenir | France Coordinator for the Climate Reality Project

Marion has been working in Sustainability for the last 15 years, in CSR, social entrepreneurship…

Editor-in-chief, Food & Climate

Founder and editor-in-chief of website Food & Climate. Climate Reality Leader. Board member of Climate…

Anton Yarotsky
Farmer from Ukraine

Anton Yarotsky, a farmer from Ukraine, transitioned to regenerative agriculture to make his own business…

Damien Thiery
Managing Director, Ateliere Fara Frontiere

Damien Thiery is the Managing Director at Ateliere Fara Frontiere, an organization dedicated to social…


CEO of WWF Romania

Orieta Hulea has 24 years of extensive experience in key roles within the field of…

CEO, Biodiver.City

Nicolas is a globetrotter and a visionary who has built cutting edge technology businesses in…

Margot Décory
Director of Development at Caristeo

Margot Décory started her career in an NGO, lobbying across Europe for better legislation to…

Alex Găvan
Environmentalist & High altitude climber; Co-Founder ”Centura Verde” Civic Platform

A leading Romanian high-altitude climber, Alex Găvan uses the best stage possible, the summits of…

Atena Groza
General Secretary, DAKIA Association for Sustainable Development

Atena Groza began her career in 1998 at the Romanian Ministry of Environment, contributing to…

Environmental Education

President of FuturePlus

Teia Ciulacu was involved for 7 years in volunteering projects to support the personal development…


Sorin Cebotari is an experienced climate professional who has been working in the past 9…

Founder and President, MEYFUND Foundation

Salomey is the founder of MEYFUND Foundation, a non-profit organization that provides quality education to…

Andrei Voicu
Public Affairs & ESG Specialist, BRD Groupe Société Générale

A Public and Governmental Affairs professional with a focus on sustainability, Andrei has extensive experience…

CEE Award

A special category for submissions from countries in CEE, except for Romania
Co-Founder & CEO How to Web

I believe there are two things we can agree on. One is that cheesecake is…


ROCA X VC has been the first fully privately financed Venture Capital investment fund (EuVECA)…

Aneta Skubida
Portfolio Manager for Poland, Clean Air Fund

Aneta Skubida is the Poland Portfolio Manager at Clean Air Fund, a philanthropic organization dedicated…

Kostadin Sirleshtov
Managing Partner, CEE Head of Energy & Climate Change, CMS

Kostadin Sirleshtov is managing partner of CMS Sofia and Head of Energy & Climate Change…

Roxana Schiopu
Regional Program Fundraising Manager at WWF Central and Eastern Europe (WWF-CEE)

Roxana has over 25 years of work experience, spanning from program and project delivery to…


Are you a young person or an SME with a great green idea or solution? APPLY NOW

CEE Climate Connect Agenda

09:30 – 10:00

Welcome Coffee

An informal opportunity for participants to meet and greet each other over coffee before the session begins.

10:00 – 10:15

Welcome Remarks

Ciprian Stănescu, President, Social Innovation Solutions
Ramona Chiriac, Head of the European Commission Representation in Romania
Ana-Maria Pălăduș, Vice President, REPER21, National Coordinator for the EU Climate Pact in Romania

10:15 – 10:45

Participant Introductions

In this session, each participant will have the opportunity to introduce themselves briefly, sharing their role, the organization they represent, and their key areas of focus related to climate action and sustainability. This session is designed to give attendees a better understanding of who is present and to start identifying potential points of collaboration. 

10:45 – 12:00

Facilitated Networking Activities

This interactive segment will guide participants through structured networking exercises, encouraging meaningful exchanges and collaboration opportunities. Activities will include:

  • Speed Networking: A fast-paced series of short, one-on-one conversations where participants can quickly introduce themselves and discuss mutual interests.
  • Group Discussions: Participants will be divided into small groups based on shared topics of interest (such as energy, agriculture, or urban sustainability) to explore ideas and possible synergies.
  • Collaboration Mapping: Using a visual tool, participants will highlight potential collaborations within the group, allowing them to identify common goals and resources that can be shared for future projects.

These activities are designed to help attendees make impactful connections in a short amount of time and foster potential long-term partnerships.

12:00 – 12:30


A relaxed networking lunch where participants can continue their conversations and deepen connections made during the morning sessions.

ESG Leaders Forum Agenda

09:00 - 10:00

Registration and Welcome Coffee

10:00 - 10:15

Introduction and Welcome Address

Ciprian Stănescu, President, Social Innovation Solutions
Philippe Gabulon, CEO Societe Generale Global Solution Centre
Alexandru Mihai Ghigiu, Chief of Staff of the Prime Minister’s Office

10:15 - 10:45

Panel 1: Legislation

Elena Cargnello, Chair of the ESG Committee, Cogenio
Florin Spătaru, State Counselor in the Prime Minister’s Office

10:45 - 11:15

Panel 2: Sustainable Finance & Investment

Andrei Gurin, Team Lead, Sustainable Finance Unit, DG FISMA, European Commission
Aleksandra Palinska, Executive Director, Eurosif
Theresa Spandel, Senior Analyst, CLIMATE & COMPANY
Rep. BRD

11:15 - 11:45

Panel 3: ESG Measurement and Reporting

Alexander Stevens, CEO, Greenomy
Fenya Sourla, Co-founder and COO, Dataphoria
Kaisa Karjalainen, Director, Mission Zero Academy

11:45 - 12.30

Panel: Examples of Good Practice in Business

Ioana Botezatu, Head of CSR, Romania & India, Societe Generale Global Solution Centre
Raluca Mocanu, Sustainability Leader, IKEA România
Boualem Saidi, Country Group Head (Romania, Bulgaria, and Moldova), Bayer
Corina Dospinoiu, Sustainability Director, Auchan România

12:30 - 13.00

Coffee Break

13.00 - 14.00

Breakout Sessions (3 simultaneous topics)

Room 1: Legislation
Room 2: How to make Sustainable Financing work (workshop led by Theresa Spandel, on implementation of the CSRD)
Room 3: ESG Measurement and Reporting in Practice (session led by Alexander Stevens)

14.00 - 15.00

Networking Lunch

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