Sustainability Heroes: Brewing a better future one beer at a time

Ursus Breweries, the largest beer producer in Romania, has a rich history of investing in sustainability. The company consistently allocates resources to enhance the efficiency of all its operational aspects, aligning them with its sustainability strategy, effectively embedding sustainability actions into its core business processes. All this is established in the “Legacy 2030” robust and forward-thinking sustainability strategy, with ambitious targets.

The aim is to become 100% carbon neutral within breweries by 2030, with the goal of becoming carbon neutral across the value chain by 2050.

For Ursus Breweries, sustainability is not the sole responsibility of a particular department, it’s integrated in all functions and it’s something every employee takes part in. So how could efforts taken for these actions be promoted if not through employees’ voices? This is why the company launched an internal campaign to promote sustainability activities using its employees stories and perspectives. Thus 20 videos emerged, featuring employees who became Sustainability Heroes and Ambassadors of Ursus Breweries!

Most of the videos address environmental solutions implemented within Ursus Breweries. Such an example is highlighted by Mihaela Iancău, Brewing Manager, who spoke about how the company is reducing carbon emissions by optimizing the heat energy consumption. For instance, in the brewery from Brașov, the energy consumption is reduced by recovering the heat released from wort boiling. The boiling process releases hot steam which is further used to heat water in production processes. By using this generated steam, less natural gas is consumed, thus reducing the carbon dioxide emissions.

Ursus Breweries is not only brewing great beer but also a sustainable future. And if you are curious to discover Ursus Breweries’ sustainability heroes and to learn more about their remarkable journey, the entire series awaits you here.

Cheers to a more sustainable tomorrow!

curated by Ursus Breweries

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