Keeping 1.5°C alive is the name of the latest report launched by the University of Birmingham which decided to take academic work into the real world to help policymakers and business leaders make informed decisions now for a better future tomorrow.
According to scientists and the goals discussed during the Glasgow COP26 in 2021, keeping global warming below 1.5°C is the best way to save the planet from the dangerous effects of climate change. However, at present the world is not on the right track towards this goal, as global temperatures are rising. The uyniversity’s report is divided in three parts.
1. Energy in motion – shows university’s work on transition to clean energy (low carbon heating, natural resource challenge, air pollution policies)
2. Environmental Systems – looks at the time axis past-present-future in terms of research, actions and forecasting.
3. Universities as Living Labs – sees the university itself as a change agent.